Friday, May 9, 2014

either be evil, or give a damn

i watch a lot of documentaries, and i do a lot of reading about world news and current events, from a lot of alternative sources. anyone who knows a little bit about these things knows that things are really difficult to bear, everywhere.  really, really difficult...

and, things in my own city are, as you know....very, very challenging.  i feel like the people here are born naturally with some of the lowest group-iq's that i've ever experienced.  the things i see here are embarrassing to humankind.  and then when i watch a documentary or read something ridiculous, i become ignited.  i get doubly frustrated and i want to start nuking.  

but i know, that's not the kind of person that i'd prefer to be.  i have to pretty much choose to go one way or the other.  either i have to try at all times to be my coolest, or i can be just angry.  pissed about everything stupid that a lot of people are, and become that type of person.  i really don't think there's a whole lot of room for grey. i've tried that, and it doesn't work.  because if i'm going to be pissed, i'm going to be pissed at everyone and every thing.  and if i'm going to hate, i'm going to hate everyone.  and that last part has forced me to put my own foot into my mouth way too many times.   

i've brought my gaming life into my digital-life, i'm @miniscatt on twitter, in addition to being @jtwilliams1920

and, my other blog here is, 

here's my FB fan page,

and my personal site is,

i'm updating the last one after i leave here, so please check in in a little while, then i'll be done :o)  (5/9/2014)

thanks!  i hope i'll see you around

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