Monday, May 20, 2013

--An Apology--

i apologize in advance if i ever offend anyone.  but, this is...tell the man to suck it.  and that includes holding back and conventialism.  i gotta get it out.  and i think it's kind of interesting.  my environment really influences me.  Some places, like LA or Busan, that works really well.  in places in Atlanta, I have to reconfigure my whole outlook because if i allowed my surroundings/city to do the exact same as somewhere like LA, i'd stay really pissed for a long time.  LA=no eczema, no allergies, no hood-life, ocean, mountain, beautiful weather, progressive, interesting people.  ATL=sweaty eczema, a sheet of pollen and scratching my face out 7/12 months of the year, land-locked crazy heat and humidity, backwards hood-life EVERYWHERE....a city of people who didn't get the memo that slavery was over.

And it's not just the black hood-people, although they get on most people's nerves.  not just white or 'other' people, but they annoy us brown people!  believe me.  my black friends have HUGE problems with them.  but, this lady that i was sitting next to, white lady.  her friend comes into the coffee shop, comes over and starts talking to her about a murder that happened yesterday, nearby.  she says, there was a kid shot dead in the street.  the first question from the lady next to me was, 'black kid?' then she starts talking about gangs.  lady, you haven't seen gangs until you've seen LA.  but that's cool.  ignorant stuff from everyone.  and then there are the small pockets of cool people, i live for them in my social life.

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