Monday, May 20, 2013

--An Apology--

i apologize in advance if i ever offend anyone.  but, this is...tell the man to suck it.  and that includes holding back and conventialism.  i gotta get it out.  and i think it's kind of interesting.  my environment really influences me.  Some places, like LA or Busan, that works really well.  in places in Atlanta, I have to reconfigure my whole outlook because if i allowed my surroundings/city to do the exact same as somewhere like LA, i'd stay really pissed for a long time.  LA=no eczema, no allergies, no hood-life, ocean, mountain, beautiful weather, progressive, interesting people.  ATL=sweaty eczema, a sheet of pollen and scratching my face out 7/12 months of the year, land-locked crazy heat and humidity, backwards hood-life EVERYWHERE....a city of people who didn't get the memo that slavery was over.

And it's not just the black hood-people, although they get on most people's nerves.  not just white or 'other' people, but they annoy us brown people!  believe me.  my black friends have HUGE problems with them.  but, this lady that i was sitting next to, white lady.  her friend comes into the coffee shop, comes over and starts talking to her about a murder that happened yesterday, nearby.  she says, there was a kid shot dead in the street.  the first question from the lady next to me was, 'black kid?' then she starts talking about gangs.  lady, you haven't seen gangs until you've seen LA.  but that's cool.  ignorant stuff from everyone.  and then there are the small pockets of cool people, i live for them in my social life.

PARTIAL: Horses Drinking

i've been thinking a bit....about making horses drink.  sometimes that horse holds on to not drinking, so tightly that it doesn't make sense to the person who has the truth...errrrrrr, the water (???)

Isolation from the LOW IQ

If it seems like people are getting dumber, it's true.

But, it's not their fault.  Subliminal messages, over-medication, toxic food, and intentionally-polluted water are the things that are causing the IQ's of the common public stumble to all-time lows.  Street-sense has turned into thug-life, and that's not all that bright because the thugs are actually believing that the videos are real.  Not thinking that the jet, the Bento, and the 'hoes' are all rented.  And that ice is rented too...believe that.  Believe that most artists are slaves and puppets for their labels.  

You can't tell anyone about how bad chemical fertilizer is, or how pesticides and genetically modified foods are terrible for you.  The lady on the supermarket commercial told me that by shopping there I was making the best decision for my family...and that's the truth!  Little Jimmy has ADD, ADHD, etcetcetc....and fluoride is good for you!  That's why 'they' keep putting it in the water.  You tell these people the truth (and it is the truth) they roll their eyes or any other 'you're crazy' reaction and tell you that 'you're crazy' and maybe even that you believe in some conspiracy theory.  That's what my son's (last) pediatrician said.  

I've already written about the Doctors.  Most are in the same circle as the rest, and may not even be aware of it because of their 'elite' conditioning.

So, about those IQ's.  Don't expect society to grow at the rate at which we should be progressing, together, as a people.  Certain pockets of people are where they need to be, and we help each other out, so we tend to be leaps and bounds beyond the majority who watch BET, MTV and VH1 and believe it all.  They watch the news, and think that it's all there is.  They watch for which celeb is having which baby and how great their lives are (must be?).  Not thinking about the unions some of these people have with 'who'.  

But, the antagonist of this all is....what to do when they keep getting in your way? VERY ANNOYING!  It's hard to tolerate people for extended amounts of time.  You collapse, and then you recover and get up and then it's the same, over and over.  Just now in the cafe', another stuck-up, siddidy Atl bitch.  Sorry.  But she was.  They keep getting in my way!  On the way to work, MARTA (the subway system) is FULL of them.  And their woman-hungry, nasty dudes.  Always in the way.  Staring, commenting. It gets annoying.  Day after day.  And the airport~ FULL of them.  That's all who gets hired.  Almost.  At my job, not like that at all b/c of a massive amount of qualifications and training and standard.  But most places, hood-life.  All the way.  Most have some of the worst attitudes I've ever seen.  Some of my coworkers have brought it up before. The theory is that they (the airport) hire people from around the area that the airport is in because there's a better chance that they'll make it to work vs someone who lives further away.  

My coworkers (all races now, believe that) have had the same experiences I do.  I talk to a couple of how they handle it.  One dude, righteous bro, said, that you have to relate to them and try to understand.  My husband says the same thing.  You have to try to understand where they're coming from, and that most have never seen anything else.  But I'm tired of trying to relate.  This issue was a HUGE reason that I moved from Atlanta.  I think the whole hood-life culture is outdated and holding communities back.  But that's another article.  Maybe I've even already written it.  I don't even remember.

But, so.  How to isolate from this?  An anti-climatic note I've written today, and I'm sorry.  I guess I'm asking for help.  For an opinion that'll help me, because trying to relate only helps me for a short period of time.  Stuck up heads of 36-40" weave, rolling their eyes and popping their gum (literally, I have to move trains a LOT because of this) and talking SO LOUD always seems to get to me.  I heard a girl yell the other day, "Naw, I ain't movin' trains...we fought TOO HARD to make it from the back." But didn't we fight too hard to have you mess it up with your friends who are making my ears ring?  Someone help me out.