Friday, June 22, 2012

more of the same. why?

i've been subjected, or maybe i'm just noticing, some things around me.  mostly that of the actions of the people in my environment, in my (current) city.  sorry, but i'd never ever call atlanta mine, i'd be too embarrassed.  the DIRTKEEPERS of this city get to me.  who are the dirtkeepers?  well, a dirt keeper is anyone who holds on to old trash and old crap.  racist hillbilly's who are mad that there's a 'nigger' in office.  idiot's who think that only 'white people' are meant to have money or get rich, or are some elite elite of people.  or that all asians sound like 'chee chungchung' without even trying to attempt to listen to any of the languages.  that kind of crap.

here in atlanta, the breed of dirtkeeper that's mostly around is the one that wears rollers or a shower cap out...EVERYWHERE, walks with a MAJOR switch, kinda constipated looking, but i guess some dude that wears his pants so low that he carries them with him everywhere he walk told her that she's sexy and that that walk was making him want to 'hit that'.   no exaggeration.  seriously.  no belt, holding them where they button, still falling off as he walks with some sweaty nasty-pants draws exposed all prison-style.  come one?  that's a SIMPLE evolution.  'oh?  dudes in pants advertise their buttholes by showing their underwear like this?  man, i'm gonna STOP...immediately!' (unless that's what you're going for, that's cool)  but no, the dirtkeeper says,'s a 'black/gangsta/????? style, dey don't understand, SHAWDY' so tacky.  

but that pants thing is so old, who cares.  stay like that.  but hey, homegirls...why is it that it's always a dude that has to buy you something?  why do you guys fight over that same dude that has like 6 kids to stay around you in your house not doing anything and just eating your food and borrowing your car.  ever see 'baby boy'???  that's not fiction. *yes, i know baby boy seeeems like an LA thing.  maybe...but those cats moved there from ATLANTA.  believe me!*

and atlanta dudes, why do you guys make 'holla'ing' at women such a sport? man, you should see it, these dues will talk to ANYTHING.  i've seen broke down girls pushing babies around in strollers getting screamed at from across gas station parking lots by a half homeless dude and her walking away happy about it.

and i've recently discovered the brute-force style of the atlien dude.  see, he knows that you're in a hurry, oh yeah, he sees you cleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeearly walking in the opposite direction.  but the M.O. is this. FORCE. they'll yell at you something that you 'have' to reply back to, or they'll call you a bitch because you 'ignored' them.  like it's not rude to just interrupt someone for the sake of the 'hunt'.  but whatever.  they'll yell (at your back) hey, hey, hey.  hey miss, excuse me miss, how are you??  and (if you're dumb/nice) you turn (slightly) and say, 'i'm good, thanks.' and turn back around and continue on your way.  

but then they'll (at your back, once more) yell at you again, 'ey, ey, can i talk to you for a minute?' if you're an idiot/polite, you turn around and nicely say, 'i'm sorry, but i'm in a hurry'.  boom.  that's enough, because just for you to turn around, that's when they start following you.  trying to catch up.  even when you say that you don't want to talk, they but in and say some crap like, 'i only want to talk to you for a minute' and before you know it, you have to take your mace out and tell them not to follow you.  and have your knife on deck.  real story, multiple times this has happened to me.  ONLY IN ATLANTA.
either that happens, or you then have a new 'buddy' to stroll the sickeningly HOT MUGGY HUMID streets of atlanta. well, at least then you'll have a few less scallywags honking at and yelling at you from their cars right?  that's a plus.  sheesh.  

 i know that the ratio here is insane, like 20 to one in favor of the gents, but move to another city or SOMETHING!  or at least get used to hanging around yourself.  be cool with no deadbeat around.  start valuing yourself.  stop wearing the shorrrrrrrrrrrtest, tighest, no-style tackiest thing EVER just because it displays your 'phat ass'.  or flat ass.  whatever.  basically, unless you're hookin...oh!!! never mind.  i get it now! 

and then there's the confrontational woman.   ayeayeaye.  what, you think i want HIM!?  effing crap dude!  what are you looking at me like that for?!  i just was trying to go out for a run/get a water from the gas station/pay for my candy bar.  the dirtkeeper woman is ALWAYS in competition with other women.  when i was 8 mo pregnant, i went to lenox.  which is a nice mall here, but then some hoodrats like to go to try to see and be seen and pick up men who might have some money...well anyways, we (my husband and i) went in the back way.  totally clear area.  8 months pregnant.  bonquifa and shante' walk straight towards me, with some LOUD HUGE weaves, one yellow, one pink....and pinky runs right into me.  no one around for miles. i saw her coming, i could sense her style.  so i just stopped so she'd have her choice of where to go.  i was being ghandi'ish...but no.  she runs RIGHT into my shoulder.  i was like rrrr....we walk like 20ft away into the nail salon to get some pedi's.  2 bonkies sitting right there, getting some tacky 4in nails.  the MEANEST mean mugs (from head to toe) yuckface all day.  i try to smile.  both roll their eyes at me.  i'm telling you, these aren't isolated incidents.  this is ALL DAY LONG for the female DIRTKEEPER.  

i could go on forever about this place and these dirtkeepers.  and no, this is not a BLACK thing.  although, most of these people just happen to BE black.  i want to help, but there's a strong resistance in most of the people who are a close part of these communities.  and after a while, you just want to say eff it.  wish you'd just disappear.  you're keeping society back and making a lot of people (myself included) embarrassed that you're black. and we won't talk about how segregated atlanta is.  you won't see these people with ANY body who isn't just like them.  wasn't MLK from the A?!  sheesh, there's a huge sector of his neighborhood dedicated to him here!  and these cats are just voluntarily segregating themselves. talking about crazy white people, what?!  i'm not joking.   and if you're in there, and you do want to be different, you're going to catch hell.  apparently, some people see education as a stupid thing. and putting 45" rims on a '81 caprice is the thing to do.

there are all kinds of cool people in the A.  could be a really cool place.  there's just a LOT of a certain type of dirtkeepers who just love to call this place home.  *and you don't have to be born in or from atlanta to adopt a very ignorant disposition*

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