Friday, January 20, 2012

your problems (aren't) my problems

i've been on a way higher alert ever since 12/11, when i first found out about the NDAA and SOPA bills. it was really the NDAA bill that i found out about (by accident) through a random post on a pregnancy and babies website.  some of the replies were because they were thankful for it, but others thought of it as some sort of conspiracy theory and not to believe everything you read or saw on youtube.

don't believe everything you read or see or hear.  but don't be so gullible that you believe everything that the media and government tells you.  what about what they're not telling you?  it's like the convenience of going into gamestop and being able to sell your 'old' i-everything, for games that the sellers got reamed on when they sold them, but then turning around and seeing that that same ipad could have easily sold on ebay for at least 3 times the price that you just turned it in for.  and that's including all of the fees that ebay charges, including that new one.  shipping fee?  but ebay, you're not the one delivering my package, how come i'm paying you AND the usps?  oh well, just pay it and don't ask any questions.

never ask questions, never realize that there's a whole other world behind the one that comes on right before and after TMZ.  just think that that job you have is your security, even though your boss is totally reaming you because they know that you're too scared to stand up to them and tell them about how shady they are.

no.  actually, i think you should be asking some questions, and realizing some other things.  like the problems that the government says that are our problems actually aren't.  sure, we're affected by them, but that british pound and that 16 billion euro that greece has to pay or else isn't from my doing.  our debt here in the us being some crazy, astronomical figure isn't there because i put it there.  it's probably there because of that whole enron thing that no one went to jail over.  but if i get caught and found guilty of forgery, i could be going to jail way longer than someone who raped and killed a 5 year old.

that debt is also probably there because of a 650 billion bill that just got passed supporting a fight the war at home bill that no one except for 'them' agreed to.  it's also probably there because of all the money that we ship off to other countries for them to help their own crazy economies and to help them fight wars that we continue to interfere in.

and all of that is cool.  just don't make your problems my problems, because once you do a little research on the non-mainstream news sites that the government is now trying to ban, you really realize that these problems are really their problems.  economy, and crisis and recession and all of those other terms are their terms, not mine.  these terms weren't here when my ancestors (the sioux and cherokee) were maintaining a pretty successful and effective bartering system.  ah, and i forgot to mention, this system is also peaceful.  

instead, now we're begging (or demanding?) that this 'particular' middle-eastern country better not (pretty please?) shut down this certain straight because it's going to cut off millions of barrels of oil from us.  all of these wars are for oil.  so bush and the rest of his family can continue on their merry way.  and really, that's ok too.  just don't make your problems my problems.

if it were up to me (us), we'd be putting solar power into effect, like yesterday.  but no.  all we have now are these 20 years behind the times electric cars that still run off of gas but cost the same as a small lexus.  and we continue to fight over oil.  and exploit people's communities for it.  watch out many remaining-to-be-named african countries.  that little gold mine that your tribe/city is sitting on is the next target.

but in the meantime, before we get to the solutions of all of these problems, i'm just going to have to let you (big government) that i'm not buying into your scare tactics.  i'm not worried about my credit score, so i can buy that house that you're going to try to foreclose on anyways.  i'm not trying to get that loan so you can stick your thumb in my butt right before you (crummy bank) file bankruptcy.  no, i'm not going for that new/used/leased car that you want me to buy.  and no, i'm not selling an almost-new used car back to the grimy dealership so that you can give me a (rape) deal on a new car that's going to lose 20% of its value as soon as i turn the key in the ignition.  no, especially not. because that 'deal' equals out to me getting about $8,000 towards one of your new cars, when i could have made $18,000 (easily) if i had just sold that car myself.  no, i'm not falling for the marketing and that guy with the smooth voice, and the nice typography in your commercials full of that fine print that's going to get me effed later.

so, mr.the man.  take everything that you want me to believe so that you can grow your everything and shove it.  and when you're done shoving it, suck it.  just don't try to bamboozle me into it.  because if i choose to kick a jig now, i'm kicking it for me.  not you.


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