Sunday, November 4, 2012


awareness is power.  

even if you don't believe in the conspiracy, or that anything is 'wrong', knowing what the truth is is what the point is.  

i'm not going to get into what i believe in, at least not too deeply.  i'll graze the surface, and if you want, you can start your own research...and i guarantee that it'll lead to a LOT, but whatever, it can always be all a lie. i don't think it is, but i'm not interested in convincing ANYONE.  believe me ;o)  i'm definitely not. point is--->everything that's aired, can all be a lie. it's very possible, and highly likely.  

a tad of the TRUTH.  the truth is: (this is just a PINPOINT amount of what's really going on out there...very basic knowledge indeed, believe

A: the people who own the networks also own almost all of the media, newspapers and magazines. 

B: most of the people who own these things are also VERY politically empowered.  

C: 90% of the FDA are politicians

D: most of these politicians also own companies that are DIRECTLY involved or effected by the dealings in and around the FDA.

E: these people are NOT going to do things that benefit you if it can benefit them instead.  don't take it personally, it's the result of CAPITALISM.  which isn't entirely bad, but you have to not see these people as people, but as the MACHINE which makes the best BUSINESS decisions for ITSELF.  machines do not have hearts.

....this is only one TRUTH stream of's not a conspiracy theory, it's real, researchable, verifiable truth. 

and only a part of a HUGE, worldwide, international, multi-faceted network.  

awareness is power.  if you know what's happening, and even more about the details of it, you can enable yourself to make decisions that will protect you, keep you healthier, and more informed about what's really going on when a building gets run into with a plane or some 'war' is started.  

you can think about what's really in the water.  fluoride isn't good for you.  they tell you, if you swallow what's more than in toothpaste, call the CDC. but there's that and more in 8oz of most municipal water.  that's the truth.  i know here in my city, there have been massive petitions against them adding SO MUCH fluoride in the water. ha, they haven't stopped.  my pedi told is it was a good thing...i like him, but i don't agree with is fundamental POV. i had already looked up what research has proven about fluoride and what it hasn't.

but my doctor told me so!  your doctor may have the purest intentions, or not.  same with your pediatrician, but remember.  they went to school for YEARS within the educational systems that are the ones that don't teach (all of) the truth.  they're still teaching the the 'new settlers/pilgrims' were friends to the native americans.  what about those blankets?  oh, we forgot.  whatever...get out of here.  btw, do you really think that the edu that the presidents got, let's say, in primary/middle/highschool is the same one that you and i got?  

but remember, your doctor was convinced of the things that they want you to believe.  i'm not trying to get too conspiracy style right now, but just keep in mind that you and your doctor may have very different opinions, and what they tell you is not necessarily what you need to do.  you can take their advice, but just remember what they're telling you may not be accurate, or what you feel in your heart.  but it sure is difficult to have the confidence to go against a doctor.  don't worry, it gets easier with time. and when you know the truth.

but!  your doctor may be AWESOME!  i'm not here to bash anyone, including doctors.  they may have gone to a really progressive open-intelligence kind of school.  or maybe they went directly through the system, but they may have with a really strong mind that knew what the deal was and with their own, very educated, opinion.  VERY POSSIBLE!  and definitely a keeper :o)

ps...refusal of awareness and just 'taking it' is ignorance.  and usually is a direct contribution to the things that take us down as a society.  

you're pissed that you have poor living conditions, no money, dirty water and cities?  no jobs, poor schools for your kids?  it's because you're accepting the reaming of your ass.  and taking what the news and magazine covers (even as the truth, and soaking in the distraction. i watch housewives and jersey shore, but i don't wake up wanting to be them or wondering what they're doing...or even believing that it's not scripted.

i've lived in LA, getting casted for 'reality' shows.  how real is that?  you wouldn't even believe what you'd see on an LA set.  

pss:  AND TO THE THINKERS.  remember!  the unaware often get in the way of the aware, lemmings, bad drivers, non-thinkers.  part of getting ahead is not letting them get in your way, too

for real.  peace.

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