Monday, February 16, 2015


I don't even know where to start politically, so instead I'll just talk about how pissed off I am. lol, or better yet I'll just talk about the things that have been pissing me off lately. And it's not going to be all downers, I'll talk about things that I can do to try and change things, or things that I'm interested in.

I'm pissed about people who fuck up their living environments. Don't throw your shit around, outside. Where you shop, where you live, where you park. It's bad enough when you just do any of that in general, but the places you go? Don't you have any shame? Or pride? If you do these things, you don't. And I hate those types of people. I wish that most of them would just disappear.

I live in Atlanta. And really, I wish most of the general population of this place would just disappear. I still wouldn't like the heat, but 1/2 of my problem would be gone. I'm tired of seeing black shower caps, and fucking pajamas. I'm tired of hearing people tell their kids to git der asses over here, and I'm tired of seeing so much purchasing and consuming of shitty ass food.

What I want, is to go  to a place where most people have graduated from highschool. I'd like to go somewhere with a beautiful beach, and nice weather, and water that you can actually get into. I'd like to go somewhere where people are fashionable, and not just about waving their asses back and forth in the air. The girls here are unbelievably slutty acting. The way they walk says it all. So annoying and so gross.

By the way, this blog is onnnnnly a bitching blog. ****DISCLAIMER**** this blog is ONLY for bitching. lol, I'm not sure if you guys remembered that from the day one post. I'm not sure if I ever brought it up again.

What am I doing to change these things? Well, nowadays I'm thinking of Atlanta as just a place that I'm working on some things in and passing through. I'm constantly reminding myself that I actually like some aspects of this place, and I'm using my hate for some aspects of the culture here to cultivate a stronger kind of mind control.

Sunday, November 16, 2014


Sometimes I get really confused as to how there can be so much conflict, between people.  Especially people of different races or cultures.  Like two different nations, that have two different predominant religions.  I get how things can be wrong politically, I know that war makes money and I know that certain countries sometimes have access to certain natural resources, and that a lot of natural resources are highly coveted. And, I know that land equals power.  

But people, personally, are way more complex.  First, you have the ones that are easily influenced, that hardly do any kind of research on their own, and pretty much believe anything that anyone tells them.  So, take those people, and then realize that each one of them has an opinion.  And they take these opinions everywhere with them, no matter how small their radius is, and they spread it, even if it is like poison, or even if it is ignorant as hell.  

And then, to add to this, most people tend to hang around people And I guess that's ok, and I guess it's human nature, at least for some, but most people don't do any research to at least become familiar with the major things of the world. They don't know why Muslims don't eat pork, or the what the Nation of Islam is all about.  They don't know the basic fundamentals about the Vatican, or even how any of the wars got started, or what countries are allies, and which are enemies.  

So take that kind of person, who knows almost nothing, is prone to believing anything, and thinks that they know everything. Those are your neighbors.  Even though most have the resources to figure a lot of things out, most don't even think about the things they have access to working in ways other than superficially.  

So what's my point?  My point is that if people knew the basics about the world, or even just considered the world as the place that they lived, that things may be at least a few degrees easier.  

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


more elaborations,
on supidity lol

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

What to expect, in the Atl (part I)

What to expect, in the Atl
an exposure of the underbelly of 'hotlanta' (hoodlanta)

if you're coming to visit, then don't even worry about any of this stuff, it's not really going to apply to you too much.  i mean, you'll see it and everything, but it'll be more of a novelty or some sort of form of entertainment versus something that you'd actually have to consider for anything.  

if you're going to be moving here, and you're not hood, then there are some things that you need to know.  lol, because they do things differently down here. i was born in pittsburgh, and my mom is from canada.  my dad is from virginia.  i grew up in upstate new york.  then i got down to smyrna, ga (a suburb of atlanta) when i was about twelve.  i was in middle school, and the middle school had almost all kids of the same race in it. the very first things that i got were: a)you think you're cute because you look like a white girl; b)you think you're cute because you have hair like a white girl; and c) you think you're cute because you talk like a white girl.  now, just know i was coming from upstate new york where it was really, really diverse and everyone got along, really well!  i had never encountered racism until i got to georgia.  and when i heard these kids saying these things, i was like what the hell?! i'm not white, and i can't even understand you, at all.  
that's one of the first things that you'll notice when you get here.  they speak a kind of english around here that's really, really butchered.  even educated people fuck it up.  you know what a friend of mine told me once?  never mind.  lol, it was backwards, and that's just what you get here.  a bunch of backwards people who are exceptionally crass and stubborn and hyper-hypocritical.  and now, it's not everyone, but if the population is 5 million, then about 2 million are critically mentally impaired.  and i don't mean handicapped, i mean, they are handicapped, but it's a kind of self-inflicted handicap.  super-brainwashed, addicted to everything ridiculous and uuber-delusional.  and loud.  you'll never run into people in your LIFE that are any louder than people in atlanta.  

is there anything nice to say about the people here?  yeah, sure!  once in a while, you'll run into a normal person, and it'll be great!  because, you'll run into a ton of crazies before you see someone normal.  or, it's just that they're so crazy that you can't even realize that there are normal people around.  ok ok ok, we're talking about the good things.  ok ok ok....ok, they LOVE kids here!  well, that's not completely accurate, at all.  they love to HAVE kids here.  because there are a TON of kids here, but none of them are very cared for.  and another good thing, the people here will make your nerves like steel, because when you see it for yourself, over and over, you'll go from total heartbreak to completely desensitized.  lol.  'getch yo ass in the ca', NOW!' 'come on little n****r' (i'm not kidding, totally have heard that one), 'don't make me beat the hell out of you!' exaggeration at all dude.  i can't even remember the last time i heard a typical atlien show their kid love.  i mean, i do remember this time in the coffee shop that this homeless-looking dude dug into his mouth, for literally, 5-6 minutes, while eating a chocolate croissant, and this kid strayed from his mom and sat near him.  she did let the kid keep the half of the croissant that the dude gave to him while she was still at the counter.  so gross, but i guess that was something nice.  i'm serious, that's the best i can come up with. 

and, i do remember these kids being allowed to run free!  alllll throughout my apartment building.  in diapers, barefoot, alone.  one was about one and a half, and the other was about two.  dirty, with pacifiers.  alone, for hours.  with doors that easily open to the outside, marble staircases, that are STEEP, and doors that easily let people in.  i'd leave to go run errands, and i'd see them on my way out and on my way back in. and this was regular.  is this nice?  i'm sorry, it's the best that i can do.  if this sounds crazy, i won't even touch on all of the other things that go on.  if i do, i'm going to have to make a part two lol. 

hmm, another good thing about the 'childrens'.  lol, tax refund!  if you love seeing an infinite sea of brand new cars, like ford focuses, challengers, 300m's, magnums, hyundai's and fords, then this IS the place for you.  and sometimes, you'll see a bently in the middle of a trashy parking lot outside of a barber shop.  i'm not kidding.  lol.  

and when you get here, know the the kind of nonsense that you're going to be dealing with is a little bit more special and a little bit more out of the ordinary.  because.......georgia has the third highest drop-out rate in the nation.  so, on top of self-inflicted madness, mixed in there is a place that a lot of people with little education, and usually bad education.  and formal education isn't necessary, but it helps. it helps someone to learn how to think in a lot of new ways, ask questions, inspire research and thought, it also helps people interact with a variety of people, it enriches their minds, it helps the mind expand.  but here in atlanta, you're going to get a whole lot of very segregated, one-dimensional people who a constantly whining about their situation.  and a lot who are really, really into things that are totally out of their income levels.  super-expensive clothes and cars and phones.  i heard a girl 'joning' her co-worker at waffle house about not having the newest iphone.  and you know, i went there a few times, and i heard this same conversation (from her, directed to someone else) twice.  and once, during the same conversation of her talking about covering her tattoos on her neck and hands with makeup in order to make it into the military.  i'm not kidding, and if anything i'm kind of watering it down because it was WAY more ridiculous than i'm able to put into words accurately.  and, you'll also hear, ooooover and over that college is waaaay to expensive.  lol.  smh.  

i'm seeing that i am going to have to make a part two.  i haven't even gotten to the meat.  all of this was just a warm-up. i still need to cover lots and lots of territory, like super insecure, over-confident slutty women and the most fuck-hungry dudes i've ever seen in my entire life.  and how break-ins are the name of the game, and the wannabe hard dudes that think that they know what tough is.  and how thick the cologne is on the guy who just sat in front of me.  lol.  thick cologne is a fashion-statement here.  you have to make sure that they can smell you before they see you lol.  

i'll see you in part II.

Friday, June 6, 2014


i'm not going to get into the deets, because there is a LOT to know.....a whole whole lot.  but i'm trying to get more people to do some personal research about what's happening over there.  just find out, and see how it affects you, and if you're in north america, see how it's affecting you over here.  and if you think it's not, that's why i'm urging you to do some research.  it's annoying when people assume nothing's happening, or nothing's wrong.  if this is you, then let this subject, fukashima, be the starting point of your continued education.  if you start on this and extend out, your world will be enriched.  you'll be healthier.  if you have little kids, you'll be helping your health as well as theirs.  if you live in asia, you'll be hearing things your government and news entities won't ever be telling you.  if you're not in asia, you'll be hearing the same things.  if you're in the US, know that hillary signed a deal with JP promising them that we (the US) will be continuing to purchase their seafood.  know what fukashima is in comparison to chernobyl. and know, that there is a comparison.  if you think that there is no comparison, just know that you're wrong.  and if you need to know just what chernobyl and radioactive fallout is, let that be your minor this this major (fukashima)  understand the food chains in the water and how these things get compounded.  find out what a half-life is, and find out what happens to radioactive fallout when combined with water, dirt or dust.  find out what's happening now with all four of the reactors. 

find multiple sources, figure out who's full of themselves, add everything up and use your mind to form an educated guess.  and keep up with it, because it's ongoing.  even if 4 never goes, it's already ongoing.  

Friday, May 9, 2014

either be evil, or give a damn

i watch a lot of documentaries, and i do a lot of reading about world news and current events, from a lot of alternative sources. anyone who knows a little bit about these things knows that things are really difficult to bear, everywhere.  really, really difficult...

and, things in my own city are, as you know....very, very challenging.  i feel like the people here are born naturally with some of the lowest group-iq's that i've ever experienced.  the things i see here are embarrassing to humankind.  and then when i watch a documentary or read something ridiculous, i become ignited.  i get doubly frustrated and i want to start nuking.  

but i know, that's not the kind of person that i'd prefer to be.  i have to pretty much choose to go one way or the other.  either i have to try at all times to be my coolest, or i can be just angry.  pissed about everything stupid that a lot of people are, and become that type of person.  i really don't think there's a whole lot of room for grey. i've tried that, and it doesn't work.  because if i'm going to be pissed, i'm going to be pissed at everyone and every thing.  and if i'm going to hate, i'm going to hate everyone.  and that last part has forced me to put my own foot into my mouth way too many times.   

i've brought my gaming life into my digital-life, i'm @miniscatt on twitter, in addition to being @jtwilliams1920

and, my other blog here is, 

here's my FB fan page,

and my personal site is,

i'm updating the last one after i leave here, so please check in in a little while, then i'll be done :o)  (5/9/2014)

thanks!  i hope i'll see you around

Monday, March 10, 2014

life=work & life=sacrifice

i'm turning 34 this year.  at the very end of 2013, i had our second son, and at the very beginning of 2014, our first son turned 2.  i've been married a little over 2 years.  

i'm still going through an identity crisis from it all.  i went from being totally carefree, and pretty lazy, and pretty financially well-off to 1000% committed and financially....ok.  not bad at all, but i still get pretty pissed.  we don't use a babysitter at all, and we've never used daycare.  i'm with the boys pretty much all day every day, and really, it's the most exhausting job i've ever had. and i really, really love the little guys.

but what i've learned, is that all of life is a sacrifice.  every inch and ounce of it.  if you drive, you're burning gas and polluting the environment.  if you decide to game it, that's time away doing something else that may be more in efforts towards something that's more financially lucrative.  unless you're a pro-gamer, which i'm thoroughly not.  

if you put all of your time into your work, you sacrifice your relationships with people and your relationship with the earth.  if you have kids, you sacrifice your life.  it's worth it, but you have to sometimes concentrate on the fact that it's worth it. what i mean, is when you're at home taking care of kids, you're not looking or feeling very sexy.  my hair is literally waist-length.  you think i'm wearing it down taking care of these little guys?  you think i'm wearing any jewelry?  lol, hell no.

am i very fashionable at home, no.  i'm cooking and cleaning all day.  literally.  i'm up 2-4 times just between 12am and 7am.  and usually, i'm up at 5am bc of one, and by sunrise the other is up.  my nails are horrible, and my skin is destroyed, temporarily by eczema all over both of my hands.  

this is all a very far cry from kicking it with my friends, spending hours at a coffee shop, or doing anything like those things...

i'm fat, and full of stretch-marks.  that's the trade-off from being preggo 2 times within three years.  i still feel the crazy area in my spine from where the epidural was given.  i'm still traumatized from the actual day i gave birth.  it'll wear off though, it did with mikey after about a year.  

what i'm saying is, be prepared to give some things up when you want other things to happen.  i gave up pizza, chocolate, chips, eating late at night, almond lattes and a ton of other stuff....because, i'm trading my fatness in.  and i'm seeing that i haven't sacrificed enough.  i get it.  i miss my partying lifestyle, but.....mikey and little billy-bean sure are cute.  lol.  how can i expect the world to be any other way, if it's the foundation of our history?  God sacrificed Jesus for us.  and i can see it reflected in everything i watch and see.  sometimes i have to bite my tongue though.  but i do get it.